PVC Free

Here at GSB Signs, we pride ourselves on being an adaptable, forward-thinking company. The past few years have shown us how much damage single-use plastics are doing to our planet. The printing industry has been reliant on these harmful PVC plastics for many years and although it is not the biggest contributors to the issue it still plays a part. 

Most businesses today have the capability to recycle their waste but when it comes to signage it's not always clear how, where or even if it is possible to recycle their old signs. Many signage companies have recognised this issue and have started to introduce alternative products to their ranges. This is a step in the right direction, but at GSB we want to take things a step further. Over the past 2 years we have been working, not just to add a recyclable range, but to completely replace our PVC based materials with safer, more environmentally friendly polypropylene (PP5) as a standard. 

Our most popular PVC based materials are correx, foam board and printed adhesive vinyl. We have already successfully made the change to only using 100% recyclable versions of correx and printed vinyl and are currently working with our suppliers to replace our foam board stock. A change that is due to take place over the next 6 months. All of these substitutions have been carried out without compromising the quality of our products or increasing the cost to our customers. While we still have progress to make with some of our other materials, we will stive to make the change as soon as we can!

The changes we are making may be small in the grand scheme of things but if we all work together, we can help protect this plant for future generations.